Booking terms and conditions

In order to book, contact us by phone or e-mail indicating the date of arrival, departure, including your home address and telephone number.

A deposit is required to guarantee a reservation.

- By bank transfer to Hotel Continental SAS

Banca Popolare dell'Emilia Romagna, filiale di Milano Marittima

IBAN: IT80R0538723606000000003275


- Credit Card (by sending via fax or e-mail the authorization to withdraw with causal "reservation") indicating card number, card type, card holder and expiration date.


All cancellations and / or changes to reservations must be made by e-mail, fax or phone.

1. Cancellation up to 20 days before date of arrival: the deposit could be used for another equal stay during the season;
2. In case of cancellations from 19 days before date of arrival: the deposit paid will not be reimbursed and will be kept as compensation.

In case of early departure of the customer, with certain exceptions for circumstances beyond one's control, and documented cases of fault attributable to the Hotelkeeper or his staff - the hotel may cancel any offers and promotions, and in case of a stay shorter than three days, the tariffs “à la carte” can be applied for the services provided. To compensate damages to the Hotelkeeper, a payment equal to the price of the room for the number of days until the end of stay, in addition to payment for the services used, must be provided.

Special Offers

Your holiday in Milano Marittima at the best price on the web

Easter and april in Italy

Romagna, adriatic coast

Discount of


Child stays for free

one child (up to 5 y.o.): FOR FREE

Offer for the family

FAMILY PLAN (min. 6 days)

Beach Included for Free

Sunloungers and beach umbrella included for Free!